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Animal Training, Enrichment, & Management

We understand that your pet means the world to you! Weather they have 0 legs.. or 40! Ask for more information on how we can help with your "off the cuff" pets. The staff at Tongass Critter Care want to enunciate that we are supporters of all animals! The courses Rhyan has taken cover all animals from a "zoo" setting, with an emphasis on domesticated pets.


Lions, Tigers, and Bears (oh my!) and also birds, horses, rodents, exotics, and much much more. Rates vary upon needs, and the species of animal you own. 


Training Examples:

  • Teach your rodents tricks (show off to your friends)

  • Aggressive chicken (not broody - but bossy!)

  • Teach your reptile where to feed (yes you can do that!)

  • Behavioral assistance in horses (Find ease with transportation)

Enrichment Examples

Enrichment: Improvement of quality or life

  • Fulfill sensory requirements (prevent boredom & over-preening in your birds)

  • Ensure happiness and wellbeing (not enough sun for your reptiles - How do you fix that, in Alaska?!)

  • Handling instructions without causing trauma or stress to your pet, but still getting them out of the cage to keep them stimulated

Management & Maintenance Examples

  • Not all traits are curable. Learn to manage behaviors and live a balanced life with your pet while providing them exceptional care

  • Discover what your animal needs in their natural habitat, and reach full potential to maintain mental stimulation and happiness

  • Cage-Cleaning services for fish, rodents, reptiles, birds, farm stalls, your dog's back yard, etc

  • and more!


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